
Blog 8 - Family life and stress

      Family life can be stressful. There are many events that happen in family life that can be very stressful. Last April I thought my mom was going to die from an accident and it was very stressful and I was getting married that month too. My mom and her friend were out walking and a biker ran into her and she went flying in the air, because she was tiny. She flew a few feet and landed on her head which split her head open about seven inches. She broke her collarbone, bruised her hip and got a concussion. I showed up at the accident site and she was barely concuss. My dad and I, who showed up, thought she was going to die.       My dad later told me when he was in the ambulance with her that he was thinking how he was going to tell us kids that mom just died. Luckily she didn't and she had a rough many many months getting better. At the beginning of her, getting better, journey she couldn't walk because the biker hit her really hard on the hip....

Blog #7 - Physical Intimacy and Family Life

      It is very important to know what sexual intimacy is before you get married. When I was engaged my husband and I were talking and I didn't really know what sex was. I felt pretty embarrassed, but growing up my parents never had the talk with me about any of this. Yes, I learned about this in school a lot and it was gross and weird to me so I would zone out when we talked about it. I always heard stories about teen girls getting pregnant and I was always terrified that that would happen to me. This topic always made me uncomfortable and nervous. It is so important though to know what it is and what happens. I learned that women don't usually know much about sex and men know a lot. That is really interesting and I didn't know that. It just depends on the person and if their parents talk to them about it before marriage or learning it in school. It is very important to know what happens and what to do with physical intimacy before marriage.     Women hav...

Blog #6 Transitions in Marriage

       It is said that when getting married in your early twenties the marriage is more likely to fail and not last long. While others are saying if you wait to get married when you are in your late twenties the marriage is more likely to succeed. This could be true for some but it is also false with other marriages. So many people are getting married in their early twenties, I did, I was actually nineteen when I got married and it has only been two years but I know it will last forever. There are terms used for age groups when getting married. If you get married in your early twenties that is called "cornerstone" because they provide a foundation as partners forge family life and hit milestones like, education, careers and finances together. Where if you get married in your late twenties that is called "capstone" because the individuals have already launch something and are set in their careers and most likely already graduated college and have moved up in life. ...

Blog #5 Preparing for Marriage

     This blog will be geared toward the younger audience because I will be talking about preparing for marriage. I say younger audience because this is my view on it and I was 19 when I got married. So this will be directed at the younger people wanting to get married. There are many things that you should do to prepare for marriage and I will talk about some of them. First, the number one thing I would say when preparing for marriage is to, if you already are not, live on your own before you get married. When I started dating my husband I was 18 and was still living with my parents. I wanted to move out and figure out life and doing things without my parents even before the thought of marriage. I just wanted to be an adult and live on my own, pay rent, buy groceries and do adult things. Then, later I got married and it was really hard for me to live somewhat on my own. I had my husband but me personally I was struggling because what I was doing when I got married I had ...

Blog #4 Tendencies between Men and Women

     Men and women have different tendencies, they each act differently. Men are ore on the rough side and tend to forget things more than women. Which I will explain both of these throughout this blog. I watched a video where they had kids who were in maybe second grade. They gave the kids a different variety of toys to play with. The boys always took the more rougher toys such as: toy soldiers, nerf guns, legos, etc. Then the girls would always take toys like: barbie dolls and makeup. After picking the toys the people doing this experiment would ask them what they would do with the toys they picked. Every time the boys would say they want to throw it at the girls or hit the girls with the toys. They wanted to rough house with everyone and be physical. Where on the other hand when the girls were asked this question they would say they just wanted to talk to each other and play with their dolls. The girls just wanted to play nicely and not be so rough with each other like...

Blog #3 - Culture in family life

       There is a culture in families, such as patterns and traditions that form. Every family has lots of patterns and traditions. A pattern would be you calling your parents by their first name. I would, every so often when I wanted my mom's attention would call her by her first name. I rarely did that, maybe less than five times so I don't remember exactly what she said when I called her by her name. But many kids do that when wanting attention or are mad.     Family patterns are a characteristic quality of the relationship between the members of a family. Patterns in a family forms emotions and attitudes between family members. That would go along with what I said earlier about calling your parents by their names. Each family has different patterns based on their connection. I watched a video about this women with four boys. They lived in a trailer home and didn't have much money and she worked at a fast food restaurant not making a lot of money. She wa...

Blog #2 - Family and Marriage

     This week I learned something about family and marriage that I would like to share and say what I think. First I want to talk about family systems and there was something in particular that I thought was so true when I heard it. I am one of five kids and I learned that the first child is closer and more like the father. The second child is closer and more like the mother. The third child focuses on relationships with the family and is more sensitive. The fourth child is more likely to go into something that has to do with marriage as a career, not necessarily but is likely. And in this case I have five and in many families the youngest is the most spoiled because they are the youngest and that is just a thing in families.     In my family that is very true, I am the oldest and I am very similar to my dad. I look more like my dad, I laugh at his humor. I would say that I am a daddy's girl in that sense going along this topic. My brother, the second oldest, i...